all day long our little birdies have been stretching their wings, flapping a bit, like they were getting ready to take off. plus, momma Polly had gone over to the neighbor's roof to watch and give them a little independence, so we knew their short time with us was near an end. so i got closer to watch them and try to take a picture of their flying lessons, and all of a sudden, they both took off flying at the same time! it was like they said, "ok, one, two, three, jump!" one went to the left, clearing our patio wall and over to the neighbors house, and the other went to the right, where the wall on that side is much much higher, and he couldnt figure out where to go from there. so he landed, somewhat clumsily, in our
pila, a cement wash basin that every salvadorean house has, usually in the patio:

he stayed there for a while, and we got scared, thinking that he didnt know how to fly from such a low spot, so elvis had already put some plastic bags on his hands (so he wouldnt leave his smell on the bird), and was ready to pick him up and put him back in the nest, when all of a sudden, he flew off! i felt so proud of our little birdie for learning how to fly real quick....i guess i would too if a giant bearded thing was walking towards me with plastic bags on its arms! they havent gone far yet though, one of them is still behind the neighbors house with Momma, and the other is on the neighbors roof in front of us. my, how they grow up so fast! it seems like just yesterday that we were expectantly waiting for them!
in yummier news, today when elvis brought me home from school, he had freshly baked foccacia bread waiting for me!! he got inspired today to try out a new recipe he saw, and mmmm mmmmm was it good! heres a pic (we had already devoured half with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar!)