martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Suzy's 1?!?! Already?!

Here's just a little sneak preview of Suzy's bday blog which i hope to work on big girl is pooped (and sick) after an awesome Thanksgiving/Birthday weekend with a house full of family and friends.
More to come soon, I promise!!

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

weekend in myrtle beach

Suzy and I went down to Myrtle Beach on friday to spend the weekend with Elvis and get completely spoiled!! It was a perfect weekend spending time together as a family and eating yummy food (nice that his company pays for all of his food!), shopping in the outlets, walking on the beach in the perfect 75 degree and sunny weather, and enjoying the pleasures of staying in a free hotel room just a couple of blocks from the beach. I just can't say enough how perfect it was to be with our little family on a practically free vacation. I have just been overwhelmed today thinking about how thankful i am that we are able to have this little break from our normal life and enjoy this time being near my family, especially with Suzy's birthday coming up. How in the world could this have worked out? What an appropriate week to feel so thankful!

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

some pictures from this week...

Here are some pictures from the airport (Suzy was asleep at first)
trying to wake up, snuggling with Papi:snuggling with ENanny:we met elvis halfway between myrtle beach and wilmington last night for dinner:
suzy loves helping with the dishes...and crawling into the dishwasher...and licking all the food off our plates (she LOVES american food apparently!)and she loves finally getting to wear winter clothes!

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

we made it!

Thanks for all your prayers...Suzy and I made it safe and sound to NC Friday night! We were greeted at the airport by Elvis (flowers in hand), ENanny and was the first time in all my travels that i have arrived at an airport and been greeted by all three of them together! it was the best feeling ever to know i wasn't leaving behind someone to go see another.

Suzy did awesome during our 2 flights...for the first time in her short life, she did not take a morning nap and fell asleep about 30 minutes in the front pack (thank you once again Josh and Danielle for the Ergo baby saved my life!!) before our flight which was perfect timing i thought. However, when i got on the airplane i found myself face to face with........the flight attendant from hellllll.......... first she got onto me about having the diaper bag in front of me on the floor because i was in a bulkhead seat, which i understand, except the other flight attendant had just told me to put it right there. Then, she said i had to take suzy out of the front pack for take off and landing. What?? wake up a sleeping baby on a plane full of people?? How in the world could she be safer out of the front pack where she could easily fall out of my arms? Anyways, i was very calm and just explained that this is how i always travel and i did not want to wake her up. She very rudely explained that she would show me in the rule book and "good luck with not waking her up". The awesome thing about the Ergo baby carrier is that you can fold the arms down and she stays snuggled up to me so i did that, but my new bff said that was not good enough and had to take her legs out too. Anyways, i got it done without waking her up, but there went my chances of sleeping as well because then she could definitely fall out of my arms. She ended up sleeping only like 20 minutes of the 3 hour + flight, but she was content playing and crawling on my hand (literally) the whole flight. And of course her Leap Pad i brought along for entertainment decided to stop working. But, everything was fine, and after a 2 hour lay over, we were on our way to wilmington. It was a tiny tiny plane and of course she pooped a big nasty one as we were waiting in line for take off. That means i could not get up and change her and that everyone could smell it. After a while i was able to get up to change her, but can you believe there was no changing table in the bathroom! how could this be?!?! It's like being in el salvador! Except in a 2 ft square cubicle in a moving airplane with no help and nothing but a prayer that wipies would desinfect the toilet seat enough for me to change her on that. And that she wouldn;t try to roll all around and climb up the wall like she does at home. She did great, and i got her changed and she was asleep in just a few minutes.

It has been great catching up with elvis, mom, dad, and the grandparents, and the weather has been perfect to go walking on the beach the past few days. Suzy LOVED walking (holding our hands) down the beach and playing in the sand. She's also loved showing off all her new tricks to ENanny and Granddaddy now that she is walking up to 5 or 6 steps at a time now by herself and repeating everything we say (today's new word was "flower").

Today Elvis had to go back to myrtle beach so he can go to work tomorrow (which by the way he is totally impressing everybody there and loving his training!). Tomorrow will be my first day as a work-and-study-from-home mom, so i hope it goes well! I'll try to put up pictures soon!

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

and the tradition continues...

If you know our family, you know we have a history of ¨creative¨Halloween costumes. You may remember my grandma, Memaw, and her bikini costume from a couple of years ago. This year she and her roommate Ronnie were sweet ballerinas. 91 looks good on you Memaw!!

And here is another sweet little punkin´, our niece Anna. Can´t wait to see you sweet thang!