You may have noticed that the last few posts have just been pictures, not much writing. Part of that is because I spend all my spare time and computer energy working on my project for work and work for my class at Fuller which is "Globalization, the Poor, and Christian Mission". But honestly the past few weeks have been hard. There have been many fun times, but overall tough because Elvis is
still in El Salvador. We are working on 4 weeks now of being apart (our all-time record), which was only supposed to be 1. But, his company just hasn't gotten around to buying his return ticket yet, which means we are miserable being so far apart and the worst part is just not knowing when we will be together again. Sorry if I sound melodramatic but that's how i've felt lately....a little mopey, pessimistic, melodramatic even though I know this isn't the end of the world. I just feels like it when you're not with the one you love.
Anyways, like I said, these past few weeks have had their redeeming moments, such as spending every day with Suzy and spending a long weekend with Marty and Sara and Anna. The girls are at such a fun age where they interact more now.
Also, we took Suzy for her first glamour shots. I mean, professional portrait (do they even do Glamour Shots anymore? i hope not). We went in all tough and determined to only buy the $9.95 package. But then they overwhelm you with 800 perfect shots of your beautiful baby, along with a guilt trip over any picture you decide not to keep. How can one stay strong in such an ambush?? I did my best, and only cracked to buy one sheet of an extra pose. I figure we did not need 5,943 wallet photos anyway. Here were the winners (sorry, these are just photos of the real photo because i didn't buy enough for them to give me the CD):