It's been a pretty crazy week. First of all, we have been recuperating from having family here from El Salvador. Suzy absolutely LOVED being with her cousings Camila and Daniela. They played all day and all night, all week long! Here are some pictures:
these two were absolutely inseparable!! |
Suzy's bday breakfast |
pony rides for her bday |
In the midst of the recuperating, I have been working on final papers which are due next week. Aaagh! Can it be? Did I actually survive this quarter with 2 classes AND 2 kiddos? By the grace of God, no doubt. Good news is I just decided that I am going to keep up this pace and graduate by June! Hallelujah!
However, in the midst of writing papers, Suzy got sick this week...the stomach kind =( It's never fun when your baby is sick, but especially not during finals because she can't go to school which means i can't study in the mornings. However, I was reminded what a great husband I know you got a good one when he runs into your daughter's room numerous times at night to catch throw up in his bare hands =) I know, I know, I should have run to get a trash can, but I get a little paralyzed in these situations and just seem to stare with my mouth wide open.
So, in review, there's been a lot of washing sheets, writing papers, drinking Gatorade, and snuggling going on.

But with all that, how am I not gonna smile when I got this cutie pie smiling at me while I write papers???
Oh, and per Suzy's request, we made Christmas ornaments on her sick day off from school. I mean, you can only watch so much Busytown Mysteries before you gotta switch it up a bit.
I love that she remembered making these last year in New York and asked to do it again. Looks like my cheap idea to spend a snowy day and fill up our teeny tiny tree in NY turned into an annual tradition!