martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

baby update!

Our little girl is growing all the time! it has been fun to experience the new changes over the past couple of months. First, i could only feel her little tiny movements, then 5 weeks ago, Elvis felt a kick for the first time. And now we can even see her little body moving around in my tummy! it's such a weird feeling like i have never felt before to see my abdomen doing "the wave". i love it! it's a party in my stomach all day long!
We have been pretty set for a while (ok, like 2 years) that her name will be Suzy _________. We are still debating over middle names, but we like to be able to go ahead and call her by her name! My dad has called me Suzy Q my whole entire life, so i feel like i'm passing on my name even though it's not my official name! So please pray for Suzy when you get a chance. I think it's safe to say that Suzy has Daddy wrapped around her little finger even from the womb, even if it is a little tiny finger! Right now she weighs about1.5 pounds and is about 13.5 inches long. I read last week that my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball! crazy! anyway, like i said, i love being pregnant. and not just for the perks, like everyone rushing around to pick things up off the floor for you and the fact that i didn't even have to wait in the long line at the bank today!

In other news, the kiddos came back to school last monday, which is why i have been waaaay too busy to think about blogging, or relaxation in general for that matter. My new job position has been challenging (physically also since i have to walk up to my 3rd floor office about a billion times a day!) but i have enjoyed the challenge. all that stair climbing makes me feel like i deserve chocolate any ol' time i want. anyways, mom and dad, elvis took a first day of school picture of me because we knew you would want us to continue with the tradition!

2 comentarios:

Kelly dijo...

i can't believe my little ashy is pregnant still! Just seeing the pictures makes me so excited!! When is this due date again?! Wow.. little suzy... I am glad I have a name to call her by now! Love you two!!!

Jess dijo...

1 - i love the name
2 - you look so good in that pic!
3 - i love y'all!
