domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

Ponderings Part II

So, it turns out that this rainy streak is actually the Tropical storm Agatha passing through Central America. It has not stopped raining for more than one minute all weekend. It makes for great lounging around weather and a great excuse not to leave the house. However, El Salvador is a very fragile country when it comes to rains like this. Thousands of people have been evacuated and there have been a few deaths here in ES already. Sadly, there was another mudslide at our friend Jose Luis's house which snapped the retaining wall they built like a twig. Apparently his house was not damaged too badly, but there is a lot of mud and tree limbs piled up all around the house. Luckily, they had already decided to leave the house last night and spend the night in another town. Please pray for those whose houses have been washed away.

A few of my ponderings from yesterday have already been answered, for example:

-No, in fact Suzy's diapers will NOT dry in this weather. It doesn't matter if they are hanging inside the house in the laundry room, they will not dry. Which means they will probably get "the funk" as well.

-We did manage to make it to Suzy's checkup yesterday, and she weighs 14 pounds 3 ounces! And she is almost 26 inches long, which at least in ES is right on average. She does get to start eating new foods this week, starting with green veggies. It's weird, they are all salvadoran veggies that we don't have in the US, so I don't even know how to tell you what they are. So here are some pictures of Suzy's cuisine for this week:
Guisquil: kinda like a green potato but not so starchy.
Pipian: A kind of squash. This will be Suzy's lunch today and for the next few days.
She will also be dining ayote, which if you've had squash pupusas down here with us, this is the squash they use for them. Next will be carrots, then we start with the fruits. I think it will be interesting when we go to NC because we don't have these veggies in NC. For those friends of mine that have new babies in the states...what are the first (American) veggies you start your kids on?

Well, got to get working on cooking this squash. Church has been cancelled tonight due to the red alert we are under here in the country because of the storm. Apparently schools have been cancelled too until further notice. Although I am sad for our country, I am thankful to have a day of rest, a true Sabbath, here snuggling with my two faves. It's also been a nice break from the's finally cool enough for Suzy to wear real pijamas!

OH! And the big news....Suzy woke up bright and early at 6:30am just like every other morning. Apparently she didn't get the memo that rainy days are for sleeping in. So, we put her in bed with us, with hopes that she would go back to sleep. She, however, thought it was time to play and to wake us up she said: "MAMA" and then two minutes later she said "PAPA" !!!!!! We were both like...were we dreaming? Did she really just say that? Go Suzy! That sure woke us up!!

2 comentarios:

Tyler dijo...

Mmmmm.... veggies! I'm sure she'll have some GOOD diaper treasures after those things. :) But since she's calling y'all by name now, I'm sure you can't hold the diapers against her! Hope the rain stops soon so your family and house can remain safe and dry!

Corinne dijo...

We started on peas , green beans, then squash, sweet tater, avocado, fruit... Honestly there was no rhyme or reason to the order in which we did it. We just made sure to wait a few days before starting a new one. WE were told to wait on mango and strawberries as those are common allergens in kids. But eph has had his now by 9 months. Oh and I think it's hilarious that eph is the exact same height as Suzy but he is 9 months. Did she somehow pass the baldwin gene to eph???