Then, on Saturday, we celebrated my birthday and my friend Ruby's bday together with our friends from church. We always celebrated our birthdays together and we always try to think of something fun and unusual to do (you may remember that elvis and i dressed up as Forrest and Jenny one year for my bday party). THis year's theme was Mexican Fiesta. Don't be fooled; El Salvador and Mexico are very different so we had a blast dressing up in costumes, hitting a pinata, playing mexican bingo, and Elvis cooked an amazing buffet for everyone to make their own burritos. Yum! here are the bday gals:
Some famous mexican actors showed up:
Along with the famous Frida Kahlo: Suzy stole the show with her traditional mexican outfit her Abuelita brought back from mexico for her this past year:
Suzy was so pooped (and sick from a bad cold) that she actually fell asleep in the middle of the party! THis has NEVER happened....even as a tiny baby she would never fall asleep in public. She gave us a scare on of the medicines that the doctor gave her made her heart race and she was completely out of control for about an hour Sunday morning and again Sunday night. Thankfully, now we know that it was the medicine that made her have those crazy attacks, so we have stopped it. It was really scary though.
Here is my little sweetie pie, getting ready to take me out to eat for my bday.
You may recognize her used to be my shirt! Dinora (the wonder-maker) whipped up a dress for suzy using my old shirt. I know what you're going to think in this picture...Wow, how young (and skinny!) they look! Speaking of Dinora and her magic, i came home from work one day and she had made this table for suzy using scraps of wood she found around the house:
This particular day, we were working on making a shaker for Suzy.
I want to do more crafts with Suzy, but don't have a ton of ideas that are appropriate for her age. Let me know if you have any ideas, using materials we can get here!
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