domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

vacation part ii

The second half of this fantastic vacation week has included a trip to the volcano lake, some more ice cream, and meeting suzy's star crush: Elmo!! It's been really good for us both to be with her this week and for all 3 of us to spend all day together. We realized that she really is figuring out this bilingual thing...for example, i have been asking her stuff like, "do you like ice cream?" And she will answer "Yea!" But when elvis asks her in spanish, she says, "Si!" She has learned to distinguish which language to speak to each person! She also has been eating non-stop this week which has relieved our worries, since the doctor is always telshe needs to gain some weight. Here are some pictures from the second part of the week:

1 comentario:

Kelly dijo...

oh the lake! Looked like so much fun. Glad you got some good family time!!