lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

It's working!

It's kinda scary trying to raise a bilingual child. I mean, being parents for the first time is scary enough without worrying about if you will screw up your kid speaking two different languages to her. I had read that if the same parent always speaks the same language to the child, they will be able to distinguish between the two. But I never knew what would happen since she only hears me speaking in spanish to Elvis. But it's actually working! We didn't even try to teach Suzy baby sign language because i figured she would definitely not start talking until she was 25 if we threw three languages into the mix. Of course she pulls out the spanglish sometimes and reverts to the Suzy unknown language sometimes, but I'm really proud of her and really amazed at how the brain works.
Here she is, reading the same Elmo book, first with Elvis in spanish and then with me in english.

2 comentarios:

Stacy dijo...

She's so cute! I love hearing her voice, especially when she's speaking spanish!

Marcie dijo...

Not only is it fun to hear Suzy's words, but it's fun to hear you say the word "chalk". ;)