miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011


So, I'm feeling today kinda like you might if you jumped off a cliff and didn't know exactly where you were gonna land. In mid-air, confident you gotta land somewhere and according to past experiences, they have always been comfy landings. But it always gets you, right there like a fluttering in your belly, when you take the leap.

You see, we've taken the proverbial leap, cut ties from any physical thing that ties us down to El Salvador (jobs, house, furniture, etc) but we're in that really awkward, uncomfortable stage where you'd really like to know where your feet are going to land and you just don't. That point where faith is no longer a pretty rainbow colored, uplifting word cross-stitched into a throw pillow but a real, nitty-gritty experience that is rough around the edges, raw, and a whole lot more difficult than we ever thought it would be.

I mentioned last week that we felt like a big door was going to burst open, answering our prayers for Elvis's job. When we thought it would be a quick answer, we decided to give up a few things for that short period of time until something happened. For Elvis, that was coffee. For me, that was Facebook. Yeah, we still haven't heard anything. No door busting open just yet. So, Elvis is still really sleepy in the mornings, and I'm feeling totally disconnected from the world. Do we have to do this? Do we have to suffer to prove our faith? Definitely not! But it's helping us focus our time and energy and thoughts towards this mysterious landing place God is setting up for us. It's our way of telling God that we're serious when we say that we expect him to really do something that's gonna knock our socks off.

So we're feeling the awkwardness of this stage b/c we haven't heard about a job yet, and because of issues getting an apartment. Yesterday I was so pumped because the housing department had just put up a 2 bedroom apartment in the complex we want. I emailed right away, but apparently they had some mix-up in their system and gave it to someone else. Actually, they haven't been sending me any housing options because of this mix-up. It's been really easy to feel mad at them like maybe they're screwing up our possibility of getting an apartment, but we're trying to think about it as God showing his sovereignty by protecting us from options that are not right for us.

I'm telling you all this so that you can bear with us in the tough spots of faith and therefore rejoice together when we look back and say, "Aha! That's why that happened like that!"

Could you pray this verse with us? It's pretty much what we're holding on to right now.

"With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. " - 2 Thessalonians 1:11

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