martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

"well they say in LA it's a warm holiday"...

Name that all-time greatest hit Christmas song!
Yesssss Tender Tennessee Christmas by Amy Grant!

We thoroughly enjoyed our warm holiday in LA. We spent Christmas Eve looking for a Christmas tree...

But decided it would be more practical to get a ficus tree that we can keep up all year long and just decorate it for Christmas. Our very own Charlie Brown Christmas tree!
We checked out a big church that is just a couple of blocks from our house, and really enjoyed the message and Suzy enjoyed the music and small Christmas play that they did. They have a Spanish service on Sundays, so we are eager to check that out.
We grilled out steaks for Christmas Eve dinner (and sweet potatoes thanks to the free Trader Joe's drop-off!) and we were all shocked and amazed to see how cheap meat and produce is here!
Then we drove to a neighborhood that goes all out with the Christmas lights before trying to get this wound-up little girl to go to bed.

Here are some pictures from Christmas morning...Suzy's favorite present by far was the "baby Jesus toys"- a nativity set just her size.

It's interesting to think that we have spent the past 4 Christmases in different cities (3 different states and 2 different countries to be exact) which makes it hard to establish traditions. However, just being together is the best tradition I can think of.
Hope yall had a very merry Christmas!

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