sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

North Carolina trip

Suzy and I made it back to California last night! And since she was up at 5 am this morning because of the time change, I had plenty of time to go ahead and put pictures up from the trip. Suzy loved the beach and basking in Nana and Granddaddy's love. I loved catching up with great friends and family and relaxing a bit before my World Vision internship starts this week. Even the flights went so smoothly...Suzy did awesome and lots of people helped us. Running through the Atlanta airport carrying a car seat, huge carry-on, stroller, lunchbox, purse, and a 2 year old doesn't rank #1 on my favorite things in the world to do, but we survived. Thanks to everyone who made this trip super special!!!

Lester was waiting for Suzy at the airport

celebrating baby Anderson with Tyler!
baby shower

celebrating 93 years with Memaw

4 generations on mom's side


being silly with Nana and Granddaddy

aquarium on a rainy day

LOTS of wave jumping

runaway naked baby! Suzy decided that the beach is way more fun without clothes

4 generations on dad's side

hula girls!

lovin' on cousin Anna

catching up on the lastest gossip

making  a tunnel

sweetie pie Anna

uncle Marty
catching up with great friends like Jamie, Zoo, and baby!

There are so many other great memories that i wish i could document with pictures, like hanging out with Jess, Suzy playing with Aaron and Lydia, and Suzy being silly with Nana and Granddaddy...but you get the idea! 

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