domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

New Yark City?!?!

That's the most popular response I get when I tell people that Elvis is currently in New York! Whoever thought up the salsa commercial that made that phrase popular a decade or so ago must be really rich by  now.

So, why is Elvis in New York you may ask?? A job interview! What? I thought you guys loved LA, you might say. And we do. So the good thing is that the job is in LA, but the company in LA has bought out the company in New York, so if he gets the job, he will do training in New York. He had an interview last week and it went great, so they invited him up to NY to check out the plant and meet the people.

All that to say, we are pumped about this opportunity which just came out of the blue. But I wanted to ask for your prayers as he will be under the microscope tomorrow in NY, and for safe travels back home (please no snow delays!)

By the way, it's not New Yark City, it's a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, about 6 hours from NY City!

I'll leave you with some pictures of Suz from trick-or-treating around our apartment complex (it was so cute...all the kids clumped together and just went from house to house at the same time) and from a hip-hop underground art festival we went to last night, where Suzy stole the show with her breakdancing moves (did you see the fb video?) Enjoy!

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