Saturday was an exciting day for many reasons, the first being that we had a strong tremor in the afternoon, while Elvis was in class and i was at home by myself. They said it was a 6.0 on the Richter scale, and it happened just off the coast of El Salvador and lasted for quite a while. Now, it's not rare to have little tremors every now and then, but this one scared everybody because it shook, then shook harder, reminding them of the huge earthquakes that destroyed lots of the country on Jan 13th and Feb 13th, 2001 (however, because of those earthquakes, marty came down to el salvador to work with Samaritan's Purse, and therefore met Elvis!). I was scared because it was my first one by myself, and i tried to think of what Elvis had taught me about where to go in the house if there is an earthquake. I got in a doorframe...that's all i could remember to do in the moment! It's such an odd and completely helpless feeling to have the earth literally move under your feet. So a weird thing about tremors here is that there is always one when there is a change in climate. About an hour after the tremor, the winds picked up and it got cold here (well, relatively cold). Im not sure if the cold fronts provoke the tremors, or if it tremors provoke the cold fronts. But its quite odd. However, we are enjoying the quasi "fall" weather. Saturday night we had another jazz concert which was so much fun, i'm getting a lot more relaxed with each concert. After we played, they kind of had just an open mike night, and lots of older people got up to play and sing old folk songs which was a lot of fun. Then this little girl got up there and just blew us all away! i hope you can get a feel of how amazing she was from this video:
In other news, we bought this gigantic blackberries from our favorite fruit guy that sells on the street in front of our house...yummmmmmy! 
3 comentarios:
oh my gosh!!! i have never seen anything that big!! they must have some kind of steriod in them...
what are you doing for christmas? I miss you guys!
oh i know... it is because your hand is so small. ah i remember:)
I am glad you guys are ok from the earthquake! We have to be ready for those over here in California too... i kinda hope i get the chance to "experience" a small one.
we felt 3 earthquakes here this past summer... so crazy and definitely that "out of control, can't do anything to escape this" feeling. Don't go getting caught under any rubble!
And of course you have the smallest (and cutest I might add) hands in the world but the blackberries still look HUGE!
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