lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

feliz cumpleanos elvis!

Today is a special day as it marks 27 years that Elvis Ronald Henriquez Mancia has been in this world. I can say without a doubt that he has brought light to this darkened world with his grace, humor, wisdom, insightful teachings, merciful heart, servant's attitude, and gentle spirit. He's a outstanding husband and such a loving daddy. Plus, he's pretty nice to look at too ;-)

Te amo Elvis! Feliz cumpleanos!

4 comentarios:

Marcie dijo...

Yay!!!!! Feliz Cumpleaños Elvis!!

Kyle dijo...

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Elvis!

Kelly dijo...

happy birthday Elvis!

ashley dijo...

Happy birthday Kyle.
Thanks Kelly and Marcie I'll tell you that I enjoyed my birthday with Ashley an Suzy.
Hugs to you all.