martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

no water...

So, apparently somebody has stolen the main water pipes that give water to all of San Salvador in order to sell the metal. Seems like a joke, but it's not....somebody actually did that this weekend, which means that San Salvador is on a very strict water rationing program right now.

On a normal day, we usually only have water in our house until about noon, or sometimes longer but you just never know. But for the most part, you can count on having running water at least in the mornings. We have a tank that sits above our garage (probably a hazard in case of an earthquake...) that automatically fills up with water when it's running so that we can have enough water for the rest of the day. However, there's not enough pressure to wash clothes or really even wash your hair in it so we rely on those times of running water. Now, because someone stole the main water pipes, we only sporadically have water that is coming from some other source and it's only for a little bit at a time. When we went to bed last night, the tank was completely dry because we did not have running water at all since Sunday morning. We went to bed praying for water because we have a bucket full of dirty cloth diapers and well lets be honest...i hadn't washed my hair in quite a few days! Thankfully, apparently we had enough water sometime in the middle of the night to fill the tank, so we had showers this morning. However, my school is letting the kids out at noon all this week b/c there's not enough water to last the whole day and i've heard of people that have to wake up at 2am to shower b/c that's the only time they have water and they don't have a tank.

All this to say, we're stinky. The whole city is. Please pray with us that this situation will get fixed soon. Originally they said it will be 12 more days to get it fixed, but now they are promising it will be sooner. Pray for those that haven't had access to any water and that don't have tanks and against sicknesses that can come from lack of hygiene. Thanks.

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