jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

so grateful

I've realized over the years that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I started realizing it when I would get really sad on my first few Thanksgivings here, to the point that my co-workers in the Preschool had to make an emergency run to search for a pumpkin pie one year to cheer me up. But then we started celebrating Thanksgiving with all of the American teachers at Wally and Judy's house, and I started looking forward to this day again every year. And THEN, 2 years ago after one of these feasts, I apparently ate so much that there was no more room for a sweet little bebe growing in my belly, and she wanted OUT. Pumpkin pie was the last thing i ate before Suzy was born, and it is her FAVORITE. That sealed the deal...Thanksgiving is my fave.

As I mentioned, Judy has been cooking Thanksgiving meals for the gringos for several years now and each year she adds a dessert and new cute handmade decorations. This year, we read the Thanksgiving story and she had made Pilgrim and Indian hats for all of us!

Check out that bird:

A dessert sampler platter (and that pumpkin you see is paper-mache, made by judy!):

A little Thanksgiving romance:

Suzy devoured her punkin' pie!
After lunch, we came home and all took a nap despite the massive house-cleaning-out/sorting that needs to be done to get ready for our move. Then we had dinner (I still can't believe we ate again) at our Taiwanese friends' house. Not a typical Thanksgiving dinner, but a great time sharing with friends.

We are purposefully being thankful this year for our move and what God has in store for us in Cali, even though we're still in that tough stage of trust because even though we are less than 4 weeks away from our move, we still don't have a place to live nor a job nor flights. Or anything else for that matter. But we are giving God thanks for what He is going to do, which is sometimes tough when you want to just whine and ask him why he hasn't come through yet. But he's never let us down, and i don't think he's gonna start now! So we're thankful.

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