viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

theology of migration

One thing I love about Fuller is that for most classes, I can focus my research on a topic that applies to the class but is based on whichever area I am most interested in. For me, that is immigration since our future goals are to be involved in full-time ministry with Hispanic immigrants. So, I've had the opportunity to write about the theme of immigration throughout the Bible, educational risks for undocumented Hispanic students, and the connection between immigration, gangs, and globalization. One of my favorite theological writers about immigration is Daniel Groody, and I love his words which reflect theologically about migration:

"The basic premise of a theology of migration is that God, in Jesus, so loved the world that he migrated into the far and distant country of our broken human existence and laid down his life on a cross so that we could be reconciled to him and migrate back to our homeland with God and enjoy renewed fellowship at all levels of our relationships."

1 comentario:

Jess dijo...

That sounds so interesting! Do you have any book recommendations? I wish we could sit down together for like 3 days and you could tell me everything you are learning!