sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

Elvis' bday

One of the best parts of Elvis' bday was that we were able to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together as a family. On a weekday! Love that. 

We looked and looked for a fun place to go for dinner last night, and were pleasantly surprised when we found a cute place about 20 minutes away in the town of Cuba, NY...home of world-famous cheese! My kinda town. 

Anyway, this bistro was described online as "artsy, eclectic, delicious, creative", etc and even said they had live music! We were really excited. 

So we roll into town, looking for the place. Since downtown was only one block long, it was pretty easy to find it. 

And to see that it was soo closed. On a Friday night. Great. 

The only other restaurant in town was next door, and so we took a chance at the "Kopper Keg"

It was one of those places that when we walked in the door, every head turned and stared at us. We were most obviously the new people in town. 

It was one of those places where you share the table with someone else, and everyone says "Hey there neighbor" as they walk past the table (well, not to us). 

The homestyle cooking was actually pretty good, and it was quite the experience. Not the fancy artsy bistro, but fun indeed. 
i took this picture

suzy took this one...you can see the lady in the background checking us out.

We also checked out the world-famous cheese shop and ate lots of samples. 

As we were leaving town, we saw Santa randomly wandering down the street. We slowed down beside him, and he said, "you got any kids in there?" and to be honest, it kinda freaked me out at first. But then I hopped out with her and took our picture (I wasn't about to let him hold her). Then he continued on his way, walking down the road. Weird. 

Birthday part 2 was this morning...we went to a maple syrup farm for pancake breakfast. They even had live reindeer in the parking lot!

seeing how they make syrup

One of the funniest things was that a waitress came up to us and asked us if we were at The Kopper Keg last night (keep in mind this is a different town). Apparently we made an impression!

suzy took this picture too

on the maple farm...it was very educational, showing how the native americans made syrup

After brunch, we stopped along the way home at any place that looked interesting. Suzy's favorite place was this playground at the edge of a river. We were excited b/c we have seen very few public playgrounds in the area (we are so spoiled by Pasadena's abundance of parks)

Then, Suzy begged to go to Wal-mart. 

This is our life now I guess. 

4 comentarios:

Kelly dijo...

wow... there was someone checking yall out in both pictures at the kopper kettle :) Not much happens around there I guess :) The Maple Syrup place looks awesome! Glad to hear Elvis had a great birthday!!

Marcie dijo...

I noticed the same thing as Kelly - it is SO hilarious how in both pictures everyone in the background is staring at you guys. Ha ha ha ha! Ya'll are a pretty cute family though, so who wouldn't be star struck?? ;)

Happy Birthday, Elvis!!!

staci with an i dijo...

"this is our life now i guess." oh ash. that made me lol. and what are these people looking at?? does elvis have a weird design shaved into the back of his head that you're not telling us about? ;) xoxo

Tyler dijo...

Catching up on some blog reading... This one was worth scrolling down for. Oh my. What a laugh! I can just hear your voice in my head as I'm reading about these adventures. Love you!