viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

Big Bear Mountain

On Saturday we drove up to the mountains that are less than 2 hours away (and serve as ski resorts during the winter) to get some fresh air and cooler temps. It's almost surreal how the 8,000+ ft mountain rises straight up from the desert-like flatlands. To our surprise (and delight!) Memorial Day weekend up there is the official yard sale weekend! I bet we saw over 100 yard sales. Suzy may have gotten a drum set for $5. I may have regretted that decision later. Elvis may be more excited about teaching her to play the drums than she even is.  Our little one on the way may never sleep. I promise a video of her jamming away soon. 

Anyway, it was a lovely day of are some pics:

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

beach baby

We had a great weekend, fully taking advantage of our 3 day weekend! We went up to the mountains on Saturday (pictures to come soon) and then headed to the beach after church on Sunday. Our friend Nayeli went with us to the beach and took some maternity pictures while we were is this little guy gonna have room to grow for 2 more months?!?!

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Mama's day!

This weekend was extra special in many ways....Saturday Elvis and I went to a couple's retreat hosted by our church which was a fun way to connect with other couples from our church and have some time to reconnect after months of being apart. We were close to the beach so we took Suzy afterwards to Long Beach for some fun in the sand, then we headed to a nearby Salvadoran restaurant that Elvis's cousin owns for some major piggin' out on yummy Salvadoran food! She wanted us to try everything on the menu...we didn't complain!

On Sunday, I got to sleep in and Elvis prepared a yummy breakfast and lunch (we all love weekends because Elvis has time to cook!) and we braved the almost 100 degree temps to go to a nearby botanical garden which we decided to become members of. There was a jazz band playing there which was a nice touch!
Add in a Thai dinner out and i call it a great day! Thanks Elvis and Suzy! 
riding the train around the gardens

picking mulberries

taking a break from the heat

watching the jazz band

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

an exciting week...

...and it's only tuesday! yesterday i reached the milestone of 3rd trimester...

...and today was super exciting because I got to take a trip to the ER! 

No, not because of labor threats or anything, but because of a dog  bite! 

Suzy and I were walking this morning around the neighborhood and these 2 small dogs ran out from a house straight towards us and one starting biting me repeatedly on my ankles (thankfully he didn't go for Suzy!) Since he broke the skin and since I'm in my 3rd trimester, according to my insurance that's a trip straight to the ER. 

Boy let me tell you, that was some expensive hydrogen peroxide i got today!! They just cleaned it up, took an animal bite report for the police, and we were on our way. Thankfully Elvis is now permanently back from NY so he was able to get off work and take me. And Suzy was awesome too- offering me lotions to put on the bite and even brought out her piggy bank and said that i could use it to pay the doctor =) 

I'm also thankful for supportive neighbors that offered to keep Suzy and who were checking in on me all day...well at least we know our way to the ER now when the big day does finally come!