So, i had a dilemma tonight...el salvador and usa played to qualify for the 2010 World Cup, and at first, i didn't know who to pull for! i was really having an identity crisis. =) however, i found myself rooting for el salvador, as they were ahead 2-0 for a while! turns out that they tied (which is a stinky way to end a game i think), but the good thing is that it is still possible for both teams to qualify for the world cup. we thought about going to the game, since it is here in town, but decided it may not be a good idea to be a gringa in the midst of thousands of salvadoreans if usa were to beat el salvador! especially since it is not unusual at the stadium for fans to throw cups of beer, pee, etc at other fans of their same team...i dont even want to think about what they would throw at me, being the obvious blondie from usa!
in other news, i had the priviledge of sharing today at our monthly women's saturday get-together at church...what a good lookin' group!

2 comentarios:
we watched it too and were thinking of y'all! What was up with all the Salvi guys getting carried off in stretchers!! ;) good game!
Ash y Elvis!!! Que colera de partido! Yo tambien lo vi y los extrañé muchisimo! El grupo de chicas se ve genial!!! Invitenme aunque se apor webcam
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