martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

was it a bird? was it a plane?

So, Sunday night something weird happened. We actually didn't visually witness it, but some unidentified flying bright object flew across the whole sky over El Salvador, causing much confusion and excitement about what the heck that was. It obviously wasn't a plane because it left a white trail which went across the whole dark sky and stayed for a long time. The part we did witness was a huge BOOM! that followed a bit later and then our power went out (that part could be related or not, we're not sure.)

Anyways, the next day, the m ystery was was the space shuttle Endeavor making it's way back home after a 2 week trip! The loud BOOM! was when the shuttle broke back through the atmosphere (I'm not sure if I'm using the right space-y terms here but you get the point). All of El Salvador was talking about it the next day, as it was seen from all over the country. Here is a home video that we did NOT make ourselves, so please excuse the bad words in Spanish if you understand spanish =) But you get the idea of how astounded the filmers (whoever they were) were.

Disculpen las malas lo filmamos nosotros!!

In other news back here on earth, going back to work has been alright, just makes me appreciate and treasure even more every second I get with Sweet Suzy. I love how she lights up when i come home =)

1 comentario:

Marcie dijo...

That is so funny Ash! I was actually watching NASA tv on Sunday night because I wanted to watch the shuttle landing. (yes, there is a nasa tv station and yes, I watch it - ha ha). Anyway, as I was watching, the narrator said, "the shuttle is now flying over El Salvador..." and I wondered if you guys could see it! Now I know!! So cool! It travels so fast - like thousands of miles per hour - no wonder you heard a BOOM! Too much information? Sorry - it's the NASA space geek in me that comes out every once in a while...