jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

oh, just some cuteness....

I think we've got a lefty on our hands! She carefully moved her cous-cous into her soup and ate it together, all using her left hand. She also grabbed my adult spoon because her little plastic spoon just wasn't cutting it! The wet shirt is from when she tried to use her right hand =)

Elvis's mom took a 3 week trip to Dominican Republic to visit Elvis's brother who was temporarily working there. Suzy was excited to see her again when she came back!

Suzy loves rocking out to Red Hot Chili Peppers. It's her favorite band right now. She even head bangs sometimes.

Just chillin' early one morning with "Bear/Oso", Elmo, and Gaby.

Playing the piano and singing! i love how she associates going higher on the keyboard with singing a higher pitch!!

2 comentarios:

Jess dijo...

Lefties rule!

staci with an i dijo...

what a little cutie patootie