viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

a much-needed night out...

Elvis's work is killing me. I know it's killing him more, but I'm really struggling with it right now. The never knowing what time he will get off work, the working 9 pm-1 am Sunday night, the fact that he gets to see Suzy like half an hour every night, the fact that phones in general are strictly prohibited at work meaning that I never know what time he will come home....oh and did I mention no over-time pay nor comp hours? Yeah. I'm a little bitter right now. Sorry.

Plus it's been raining here literally non-stop since Sunday. School has been cancelled the past 3 days due to rain (staff still had to show up...shucks) Apparently one tropical depression passed through at the beginning of the week and another started today. I love the rainy days (when i'm inside the house) but we're all feeling a little cramped being inside and not being able to go outside and play. Plus, this is more than just a little the president declared a national emergency due to the fact that over 4,300 people and their homes have been affected by the rains, lost bridges, mudslides, flooding, etc. Newspapers are saying that 5 have already died.

When Elvis got home last night (2 hours late), I decided to surprise him with a mystery date for when Suzy went to bed (don't worry, Dinora was at home....we didn't just leave her there by herself). I realized i've been complaining an awful lot about his job and getting mad about it instead of trying to cheer him up and distract him so we went out to the moooovies last night to see "Le Concert", a really perfect French movie which included all my favorites: comedy, music, and getting to root on the underdog who wants to live out their life-long dream. Here's the summary according to the IMDB:

Thirty years ago, Andrei Simoniovich Filipov, the renowned conductor of the Bolshoi orchestra, was fired for hiring Jewish musicians. Now a mere cleaning man at the Bolshoi, he learns by accident that the Châtelet Theater in Paris invites the Bolshoi orchestra to play there. He decides to gather together his former musicians and to perform in Paris in the place of the current Bolshoi orchestra. As a solo violin player to accompany his old Jewish or Gypsy musicians he wants Anne-Marie Jacquet, a young virtuoso. If they all overcome the hardships ahead this very special concert will be a triumph.

I have no idea if this movie is out in the States or not, but if you can get a hold of a copy, you should definitely watch it. It will cheer you sure did us! Maybe the giant box of caramel popcorn helped a bit too.....

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