martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

a ray of sunlight?

It's finally not pouring rain today, just a little misting every now and then. The sun even came out for a few minutes...i hope it's enough to get some diapers dry! I had to break down and just buy Elvis some new socks because all of his are wet/dirty. But hopefully things will start to get back to normal soon. Still no school tomorrow. Teachers are going to help sort and bag up food and clothing that has been donated to the church.

I can't believe that i didn't take my camera, but our Taiwanese neighbors had us over last night to teach us how to make dumplings! They taught us how to make the dough, pass it through the dough stretcher machine (the dad says you have to get the machines made in Italy...the ones made in China are not as good!). Then we cut out the circles, filled them up with soy meat and veggies, folded them up (some prettier than others) and threw them in a bit pot of boiling water. I really liked being part of the cooking process (even though we probably won't go through all the work again) because i got to make sure no sesame oil was going in there! We don't want any more Hitch-like reactions. Plus, the time we had to talk while stuffing those dumplings was priceless, hearing about their lives and beliefs. Oh, and we got to eat like 30 dumplings each which we would have never done in a restaurant! Suzy loves going over to their house. They have a very calming effect on her and she will sit and play with any of the family members for long periods of time even when they can't always communicate in any language. Maybe the Taiwanese cookies they generously give her help too.

1 comentario:

Danielle dijo...

I ate hand made dumplings last night from a little hole in the wall place!!!... i think our lives are more alike than we think despite living on opposite sides of the world... glad your weather is clearing up... hope you can get some laundry done!