sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

snapshots of life in Pasadena

Best part of the weekend: Finding authentically delicious pupusas in LA! (we've tried 3 places so far, this was by far the winner!) It was so authentic that there was a sign in the bathroom asking you to not put toilet paper in the toilet. Um, we are actually in the US, not El Salvador.

We checked out the LA farmer's market today, which was by far the fanciest farmers market ever:

Suzy has loved being able to eat lunch outside this week at our apartment and play with her new friend/neighbor, Minh. Elvis loves the grill at our apartment that you see in the background.

Minh cracks Suzy up. Just saying her name cracks her up.

Speaking of the grill, Suzy has a new obsession with grilled okra. Even before she had ever tasted one, just watching them cook on the grill made her crazy. She promptly ate at least 10 whole okra straight from the grill.

Apparently living so close to Hollywood has gone to Suzy's brain. She thinks she's a rock star.
A marimba-playing rock star.

And yes, she may be shooting you a bird.

Suzy with some of her neighborhood friends:
Me on my first night of class!

3 comentarios:

Stacy dijo...
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Stacy dijo...

when we looked at that picture of suzy, aaron said, "that is so awesome. that is so hollywood. she doesn't even give a d. our kids are going to be like that. except with gloves on."
haha. love seeing the pictures of you back in america! and of suzy - always a cutie.

Jess dijo...

that picture is so awesome. I am dying