sábado, 7 de abril de 2012


So, the doctor didn't have any immediate answers, but she did do a lot of tests- a urine test (Suzy did awesome peeing in a cup!!), a stool test (in progress...), and blood tests....they took 8 vials of my little girls blood while she sat there screaming in my arms. Not my idea of fun. Nor hers. They are testing for anemia, parasites, kidney functioning, white blood cell count, allergies, etc etc etc.

And what's with these complicated poop tests here in the US???
They gave me 3 jars to fill up, each in specific ways, and about 8 different spoons i have to use, and it's over a course of 3 days worth of poop. It was so complicated I literally had to take notes to remember how to do it. How come in El Salvador you get one cup, one spoon, and $2 and 1 hour later they have the results at a 24 hour lab near your house?? I don't get that. After we finished the 3 day process here, it will take another 4-5 to get the results. How efficient.

Oh, and the doctor said that she's in the 1 percentile for weight and 6 percentile for height....still better than her mama who was never even on the charts!

Suzy seems to be acting much more normal today...being her silly self. However, she slept terribly again last night. Hoping that was the last night of that.

And just so you don't think that we are not having any fun at all, here are some pictures of our trip to the Pirate Ship park this week. It is the coolest park here in Pasadena, complete with cannon balls to climb, a sand and water area, and it's even surrounded by squishy floor to mimic the ocean. And it's all completely handicap accessible. Although Suzy had bursts of energy at the park, I knew something was wrong when she would just come lay in my lap for 20 min at a time and watch the other kids.

So, that's the update...we're praying for a good night's sleep tonight.

1 comentario:

Jess dijo...

Just catching up...will be praying for sweet suzy.