miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

No, it's my favorite!

I am loving the summertime in the US....lots of fun things to do for free like concerts in the park and splash pads outside the local library, plus the sun stays out so late this is a whole new world for us! Bedtimes are getting pushed back and mornings are starting later (well, at least for suzy and me) and even though I'm still working with World Vision and Elvis is still plugging away at his job, life seems different and more laid back during the summer. We might go as far as to say it's been my favorite season in CA so far! 

Suzy is loving the whole concept of "favorite"....her new thing this week is that whenever I say that we are only going to do something one more time or just 5 more minutes, she says, "No, that's my favorite!" to whatever activity I am limiting. For example, i tell her only 1 more minute on the playground and she says "No that's my favorite!" or I tell her she can only get up from her nap to go pee pee one more time and she says "No, that's my favorite!" Really Suz? Going pee pee is your favorite? I have evidence of this new trend at the end of this video clip:

What's been your favorite thing about summer so far??

2 comentarios:

Marcie dijo...

I always love the longer days, Ash! In the evenings when the sun is going down, but it's still light out...that's my favorite! ;)

Kelly dijo...

she's mi favorita! :)