martes, 20 de agosto de 2013


One of the things i love about being a mom are the surprises. For example, on Sunday, our 1 month and 1 day old baby surprised us by rolling over from his belly to his back. 3 different times to prove it wasn't a fluke!

And one of the funnest things about having a 3 yr old is the random things they say that shows the connections their little incredible minds are making. Tonight during our Bible story time, we were talking about times when we need God's help. Suzy's response: "We need God to help in case a fox goes into your house and he can just take the roof off and get the fox out."

Speaking of Bible stories, apparently she is remembering what we talk about, although not sure if all the concepts are clear yet. For example, yesterday she was playing with her buddy Micah and they were pretending to go to work. They were construction workers. So Micah says, "OK let's go to work...I've got the hammer" to which Suzy responds, "OK I'm ready, i've got the birthright!"

Might need to review the story of Jacob and Esau again.....

1 comentario:

Kelly dijo...

hahaha.. I read this one outloud to Brian and we both had a good laugh at Suzy's creative responses :) Miss you all.