Sorry folks, but this sleep deprivation mess has been killer this week. All the books I read were right...fussiness certainly does peak at 6 weeks! Our normally super chill little dude went a little berserk this past week, culminating in a couple terrible nights of only about 3 hours of sleep. However, he totally redeemed himself last night by sleeping the best he ever has...meaning only waking up one time between 10pm-6:30am! I would say we are turning over a new leaf, but i don't want to jinx it.
The other cutie pie you see in the picture just had her open house at preschool today! last year we did that preschool co-op for a few months where i was her teacher once a week, but this is her first official real-deal preschool. She starts on monday for 3 mornings a week, and she is pumped! We met her teachers is Egyptian and the other is Armenian I believe. And the great thing is that our friends from UNC Mark and Denise just moved here to Pasadena and our girls are in the same class!
Speaking of cutie pie, we were playing kitchen tonight and Suzy asked me what kind of pie I wanted. I asked what my options were, and she said, "strawberry pie, blueberry pie, or cutie pie!"
I'll take you, cutie pie =)