jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013


Have we mentioned how much we love where we live? And I don't just mean Pasadena in general. We love our apartments where we live, called Providence Mission Homes. It has been such a blessing- from the fully furnished apartments to the free Trader Joe's and Panera donations each week, but our favorite part is the community of people we live with. It is constantly changing as new missionaries come in for furlough or to transition back to the states or while they raise support getting ready to go somewhere, and so we are surrounding by families from all over the world with really interesting stories to tell. We love that every afternoon there are at least a dozen kiddos right outside our door for Suzy to play with and other moms for me to talk with while we watch the kids play.

Even though we have had to say lots of goodbyes recently to dear friends that have moved away, God brought some good friends of ours to PMH recently. We were already friends through Fuller and Suzy and their little boy Micah did playschool together last year so she was thrilled when he became our neighbor while their family raises support to go to Spain next year! Check out this cuteness:

Two new German families also moved in recently- one serves in Japan and the other in Papua New Guinea. They invited several of us over the other day to learn how to make a traditional German dish "Knodel" with pork stew. The knodel uses old bread and eggs which we get a lot of from the food donations so it was really helpful and fun to cook together.

our Malaysian neighbor learning to roll the knodel balls 

chowing down out on the patio!

givin a lil love to her new German friend

1 comentario:

The Breedloves dijo...

Emory looks just like Elvis! Great pics Ashley!