sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

Christmas recap

We had a great week and a half with Nana and Grandaddy here, celebrating Christmas and the New Year (other than that nasty stomach virus wiping us all out for a few days!). Suzy really got into giving this year and we found cute little packages she had wrapped up under the tree all by herself of pictures she had made and pencils she wanted to give. She was thrilled to receive roller skates and a Lite Brite for Christmas from Nana and Grandaddy (yea old school!) and Emory was thrilled to receive anything he could put in his mouth. Here is a review in photos:
reunited with Nana and Grandaddy...but what are those silly things on their heads?

Christmas Eve dinner...our friend Edens from our Bible study joined us for dinner

Elvis made his oh-so-delicious Salvadorean Christmas turkey sandwiches

Aunt Sara made these cutie animal head bands

i love how the monkey one blends in with his hair so well!

Christmas Eve

Christmas breakfast 

we went to the beach a couple of times to enjoy the beautiful weather

and to the aquarium...here they are petting baby sharks!

Mom and Dad celebrated 39 years of marriage!!!

we loved watching the boats, dolphins, and sea lions at the beach

On the 1st, we went to the Rose Parade, of course! Dad and Elvis walked down there around 5:15 am to snag us an awesome front row spot. The people beside us had been there since 10am the previous morning!!
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thanks mom and dad for babysitting so we could go out on a hot date!

1 comentario:

staci with an i dijo...

your mom is the cutest!! happy new year :)