domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

It's interesting to me how having a baby in the family changes your whole perspective about what constitutes a "big" event during the week. For example, this was a "big" week because we took Suzy to a park 2 blocks away for an organic market that they have there on the weekends, and also the fact that we went out to breakfast with her on Sunday was a huge event. Now our big events of the day revolve around a big smile of hers, a big poop of hers, a big feeding of hers, etc. It's amazing how you get back to appreciating the small things in life as really amazing big things. Another big event was taking her to get a TB was not fun having to hold her while they gave it to her. But, they also weighed her, and she is up to 6 pounds 6 ounces! She has gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks! This is a big deal and a big answer to prayer! Here we are at our big breakfast outing:Suzy's first trip in the sling to the park (she loved it!):Suzy at the park with the 20 juice oranges we bought for $1!
We are excited about spending our first family Christmas here...the fam is coming over tonight (Christmas is celebrated here on Christmas Eve night at midnight) with homemade tamales and Christmas chicken, and we will be surrounded by the booming fireworks that we fill the air from sundown to sunup. Suzy is all ready for are some of her Christmas poses and other random cute shots:Suzy's first hairbow:

Granddaddy teaching Suzy how to pray:

A Christmas smile for you!

Stick up your dukes:

2 comentarios:

staci with an i dijo...

i love these! suz is so stinkin cute!! you look great, love the praying pic ;) & your mom is so pretty! hope you guys had an awesome christmas! love ya.

Tyler dijo...

I have a "Suzy" folder on my computer, and I just added EVERY SINGLE one of those pictures to it. So cute!!