miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

and we're back....

I was going to name this post "back at home" but I realized during our 4 months in the States that home is a very relative term. I felt "at home" at my parent's house of course, I even felt at home at the Red Roof Inn because that's where Elvis was. And arriving back in San Salvador, I feel at home, but at the same time feel like I just left home. It's confusing.

But anyway, we're back at our home and it's been a crazy week. Crazy because everything in our house decided to break, fall apart, stop working while we were gone or the day after we came back- refrigerator, 2 cars, phone, sofa, etc etc. So on top of an extreme lack of sleep, we were running around the day we got back to buy a new fridge, get the cars fixed, etc. But it's all fixed now (for the most part) and I'm realizing more and more how complicated life is when you have lots of "stuff".

This week has also been crazy because I've been finishing up my 2nd class at Fuller Seminary, and last night i turned in my final paper about how globalization has affected gang activity in El Salvador. Although I would sometimes rather just be able to chill and relax in the evenings instead of read and do classwork, I feel like I'm learning a lot of applicable information.

This is also a busy and exciting week as we are preparing for Kelly and Brian McPhail's visit!!!!!!!!!!!! They get in Saturday night and we can't wait to show them around the country, eat LOTS of pupusas, and just enjoy being with such fun friends who we haven't been able to spend much time with in a loooong time. Turns out, Obama is also coming this week! Maybe we'll invite him to eat pupusas with us one night.

I'll leave you with some pictures from our last week in the US, including Anna enjoying her 1st birthday cupcake, our anniversary trip to Charleston, a family picture, hanging out with our beloved friends David and Lucy, and Suzy singing in the car ride home from Virginia.

1 comentario:

Kelly dijo...

wooohooo for the McPhails and Obama's visit to El Sal!! :) Can't wait... 2 days! :)