jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

my little vegetarian

So, apparently Suzy is a vegetarian. She has rejected chicken and beef for months now. She would eat bacon while we were in NC like any good southern lil' lady, but now she won't touch that either. This is fine with me really, because we could almost be vegetarians as well, except for when we go home and dad cooks his famous steaks or mom makes those yummy Velveeta cheese/sausage english muffins mmmmmm! We have two sets of really close couple friends who are all vegetarians and we eat dinner with each couple at least once a week so that automatically means that 2 nights a week we make vegetarian meals, and it usually works out that we make chicken or fish once every week or two. So, the good thing is that Suzy loves her veggies and fruits, "panqueques", mac n cheese, pupusas, beans, plantains, avocados, mangos, grits....everything that a southerner/salvadoran baby should love. She's so funny in that she'll down several chunks of cauliflower but won't touch chicken. I feel like she's doing fine getting all the protein and nutrients she needs from beans and eggs and peanut butter, but a nutritionist friend recommended that she still eat meat as well. So yesterday during lunchtime, Dinora gave her those chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs, hoping she would be interested because of the shape. Suzy in turn tried to feed them to Dinora "Di-di", to Elmo and the rest of her stuffed animals, but then decided to try it. And she ate 2!

Sorry this isn't a really earth-shatteringly interesting post, but can you tell i have more free time at work to blog now?? Now that all the students AND teachers are on vacation, I'm here working on administrative stuff with like 5 other people in the whole school. I've realized how much i like it when my friends update their blogs to give me something to do, so i'm going to try to do it more as well, even if it's little stuff like how Suzy is a vegetarian. This is the first time i have not gone to NC in June which is sad, but at least we got to spend 4 months there this winter! And i'll be heading to sunny Cal in just a couple of weeks!

In other news, Suzy's vocabulary is really picking up! She still has way more English words than Spanish, but the spanish is catching up! Yesterday she started saying "vaya" whenever she would do anything, which is what Dinora says a lot too. It basically means "OK". It's really cute! And I love it when she says "mo', mas!" in the same phrase when she really wants more of something!

Anyways, if any of you out there that are reading this have self-proclaimed vegetarian babies as well, what are your tricks to get in all the protein they need?

1 comentario:

Stacy dijo...

mo' mas! That is so cute!