lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

some great opportunities for you...

I want to devote today's blog to a couple of great organizations that you should check out and think about supporting... whether financially, in prayer, etc.
First of all, there is Just Potters which is part of the larger organization, Just Work, which my brother worked for in Vancouver. The description from their website says, "JustWork is a unique social enterprise that employs individuals with barriers to the traditional workforce, ranging from: physical disabilities, mental illness, homelessness and addiction." Just Potters allows those that have these barriers to find work by making pottery (actually in the church building where Marty and Sara went to church). This weekend they are having a 24 hour fundraiser and need donations so they can keep these creative ministry alive.

Secondly, if you haven't already, you should definitely check out Like a Mighty River Project which is a new organization that my sweet friend from college, Erin Littleton, and her hubby Scott are starting. They have really neat plans to serve in Uganda and help support local women by offering employment, training, discipleship, and orphan care. Great stuff you should think about supporting.

Oh, and if you leftover money and you just can't figure out who to donate it to, there's always the Ashley's Seminary Fund ;-)

Speaking of seminary, I just bought my ticket this week to go to Pasadena for a week in July to take in Intensive Class and hang out with Brian and Kelly McPhail! I'm nervous about being away from Suzy for a week, but trust that it will be a fruitful week and that the McPhails will distract me enough so i don't miss elvis and suzy too much!

2 comentarios:

Erin dijo...

Thanks for the shout out, friend! :)

Kelly dijo...

we will keep you so busy, you won't even have time to be sad :)