lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

Mother, Mommy, Madre, Mami, Mom

my favorite lil munchkin 
Yesterday was a lovely Mother's Day, although it wasn't exactly how I would have planned it. For example, Elvis had to work, so he wasn't home until 3 pm (but he thought ahead and gave me some mother's day goodies Saturday night!).

Also, I had to go to an Armenian Apostolic Church for a class, and the service lasted for 3 hours! And all in Armenian! It was incredible...the whole thing was sung in classical style, but it was sooo long. I knew in my head that it couldn't last forever, but it sure didn't feel that way. All the regulars didn't even get there until about an hour before it finished. Thankfully, Suzy got to play with Gabi all morning, so she didn't have to sit through it (kids stayed in the nursery!)

So it wasn't the Mother's Day morning I had dreamed of, but going out to eat at a casual Greek place and going to get coffee with my two faves was the perfect ending for the day.  And Suzy discovered her love for baklava!  At the coffee shop, the lady in front of me had a buy one get one free coupon which she passed on to me! Sweet!

For my mom and grandmas, we asked Kelly to take some pictures of Suzy and our see our favorites here! What a special gift for me too. We will share some more with you later!
I just want to eat her up every time i see this picture!

2 comentarios:

Marcie dijo...

Sooooooo cute! Happy Momma's Day, Ash! :)

Jess dijo...

she is gorgeous