viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

some lessons learned about potty training...

So, we officially said goodbye to diapers (except for when she goes to bed at night) 2 weeks ago. She has been going to the potty for well over a year, thanks to Dinora who taught her so many awesome things. However, we had not taken the plunge to go completely diaper free until we were sure that she was over all of her sicknesses. I think it goes without saying that diarrhea and potty training do not mix.

Well a few weeks ago her best friend here, Gabi, started potty training, so I thought it would be a great time to ride that excitement and momentum, since she wants to do everything that Gabi does. Worked really nicely, especially since they go to play school together and have solidarity using the potty there as well as all the time they spend playing here at our apartments.

Here are a few things I have learned along the way.....

1. Don't buy Raisinets as a reward. I will eat them all and not actually offer them as a reward.

2. Suzy is just as stubborn as her mama was (is). She can hold her bladder for a really long time and will go to the bathroom only when she is ready, not when I think she should be ready to go. Reminds me of a story my grandma always tells me about how she wanted me to pee before going to bed one night and I refused and I almost made her go crazy.....

3. You will get weird looks (and even weird comments) as your toddler pees in her potty in the trunk of the car.

4. Suzy is extremely self-controlled and a savor-er. When we first started potty-training, she was satisfied with a pee-pee dance for every successful go. When we stepped it up a notch, we started giving little treats, especially since her friend Gabi gets treats. So, she gets a baby marshmallow, a chocolate chip, etc. The thing is, she will hold it in her hand and laugh about it and pretend to put it into her mouth for 20 min before actually enjoying it. I guess she got that from me too...whenever anyone would give me Lindt chocolates or any other precious american goodies in El Salvador, I would hoard them in my pantry until they were rotten or bug-infested. Seriously. I love them so much that I just wanted to know that they were always there. Suzy savors her chocolate chip in about 6 tiny bites.

5. Suzy has not had any accidents (miraculously) when we have gone out of the house, but she has had some at home. Whenever I get discouraged, I just remember that my friends in college would also have accidents if they laughed too hard (not mentioning any names here......). That always makes me feel better.

1 comentario:

Tyler dijo...

Hilarious! Peeing in the truck of a car is way cooler than peeing in your pants.